
Our history

Engineering, construction, and real estate development activities under the Eztec brand began on February 15, 1979, when the founding shareholders of the Company, Mr. Ernesto Zarzur, Mr. Flávio Ernesto Zarzur, and Mr. Silvio Ernesto Zarzur, established Eztec Engenharia. Since then, Eztec’s activities have been conducted through operational companies owned and managed by the Company’s founding shareholders, who remain in the management of their businesses to this day, and through holding companies within its operational group.

Headquartered at Avenida República do Líbano, 1921, in the city of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, it has been listed on the Novo Mercado since June 21, 2007, on the Stock Exchange, Commodities and Futures – B3 S.A. – Brazil, Stock Exchange, Over-the-Counter Market, with its shares traded under the ticker “EZTC3.”

In 2019, based on the perception of the gradual recovery of the economy and the sector, specifically in the city of São Paulo, a follow-on of the Company’s shares was conducted with the aim of raising funds to enable the acquisition of land to expand the Company’s land bank in a heated market. The offering injected BRL 941 million into the Company.

Since 2020, the Company has been dealing with the challenges and changes caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts, particularly on the supply chain, inflation on construction inputs, and the effect of the SELIC rate on financing rates.

Consequently, the Company has been working with a lower volume of launches than expected from the 2019 offering, limiting the acquisition of new land, expanding its sales strategies, investing, for example, in the creation of Mega Stores and various promotional campaigns focused on reducing its inventory, and leveraging its solid capacity to finance its clients internally.

In 2022, the Company signed a joint venture with Construtora Adolfo Lindenberg (CAL), with whom it had partnered at the project level since 2010. This joint venture launched eight buildings in six projects between 2023 and 2024, resulting in a total PSV of R$2.3 billion (100%). Finally, this partnership resulted in the Company subscribing to new CAL shares, taking joint control through a shareholders’ agreement signed in Dec/24.

Our founder

Ernesto Zarzur started his professional life as a real estate broker. And he ended up as one of the most successful businessmen in the country’s history. Founder, controller and chairman of the Board of Directors of EZTEC, a real estate developer focused on high-end residential and commercial properties in Greater São Paulo, Ernesto Zarzur had a reserved profile. But he was extremely warm to everyone.

Upon arriving at the Company’s headquarters every day to work, “Seu” Ernesto, as he was affectionately called, walked around the rooms greeting employees with a kiss on the cheek. He told everyone that one of his biggest goals was to create a legacy for the city he loved so much, São Paulo, constructing buildings that could turn into postcards.

Born on February 28, 1934, he was the son of Lebanese immigrants. In the few interviews he gave, laughing he told “I had everything to go wrong in life”. After a health problem, he dropped out of school and learned to read and write at home with his mother.

At the beginning of his adult life and already married to “Dona” Esther, with whom he lived until his death, he started working as a real estate brooker for his brother Waldomiro at Construtora Zarzur & Kogan. But soon he began to undertake. In 1967, he founded Vilamar Veículos SA, a General Motors car dealer of Brazil.

The enterprise was successful, but the business man really liked to build and sell his properties. The first building incorporated and built by him was named Marcelo, in honor of one of his sons, on Rua Teodoro Sampaio, in Pinheiros. In 1979, he founded Eztec, today one of the most respected real estate developers in the country, which, since 2007, has its shares traded on the Novo Mercado of B3.

One of the mantras of “Seu” Ernesto, starting from the company’s IPO, was: “Minorities shareholhers first, minority shareholders second, minority shareholders third”. Until recently, the real estate developer held an annual face-to-face meeting with shareholders. Dozens of minority shareholders from various regions of the country attended and made a point of greeting him.

The businessman had great business gift and passed through all the economic crises, including worldwide ones, knowing what had to be done to preserve the company’s financial health and the interests of those who trusted him.

Ernesto Zarzur loved to work. In addition to daily visit the company’s headquarters, he used to visit the  construction works. But he never referred to himself as a businessman. “What I really am is a estate brooker, and with great pride. I love selling,” he would say, beating his chest in pride. He visited the selling stands on Saturdays and Sundays, encouraging the brokers to close good deals.

“Seu” Ernesto had some famous catchphrases. One of them was: “I only build where my eyes can see or where I can get on foot”. It was true. This vision allowed the developer to inspect the works step by step, guaranteeing the quality and profitability of Eztec’s projects.

Although he never studied neither engineering nor architecture, he demanded the utmost in good taste and technology from the professionals participating in the projects. And he managed to fulfill his dream of leaving postcards for the city, always motivated by the idea that “It’s not about just building square meters, it’s about transforming São Paulo into a city of beauty”.

His greatest pride is the EZ Towers, on Avenida Chucri Zaidan, in the south zone of São Paulo. The project represents an important milestone for its design, technical and sustainability standards, with two towers and a total of 160,000 square meters of built area. The new architectural milestone he idealized for São Paulo is Esthers Towers, at Chácara Santo Antônio, which will be completed in 2024 and was named in honor of his wife. These projects, as well as many others, attest to the visionary look of “Seu” Ernesto, a man whose constructions were always ahead of his time.

The entrepreneur Ernesto Zarzur passed away in São Paulo at the age of 87, of natural causes, under the care of his beloved wife, Esther, with whom he was married for 65 years.

He leaves his sons and daughter Flavio, Silvio, Silvana, Marcelo, Marcos and Anna Lúcia, 17 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren. To the family, we express our deepest feelings of condolence and dedicate our gratitude for all the legacy that Ernesto Zarzur left us.


Board of Directors

Eztec´s board of directors is dedicated to providing the Company´s overall strategic guidelines and, among other things, is responsible for establishing the Company´s general business policies and for electing its executive officers and supervising their management, and is also responsible for the appointment and dismissal Eztec´s independent auditors.

The directors will have a unified term of two years, and may be re-elected and removed at any time. The directors must also sign, prior to their investiture in the position, the consent form of the managers, provided for in the Novo Mercado Regulation.

Meetings of the board of directors are usually held once a month, and on an extraordinary basis whenever called by the chairman or vice-chairman. All decisions of the board of directors are taken by majority vote of the members attending the meeting, and the chairman has the casting vote in case of a tie in any voting.

Member Office Mandate
Flávio Ernesto Zarzur Chairman 04/27/2023 - 2025 General Assembly

Mr. Flavio has been an effective member of our board of directors since August 14, 2020. Mr. Flavio Zarzur was also one of the founding shareholders of EZ TEC Engenharia and has been an executive officer of Eztec Engenharia for the last 28 years. Mr. Flavio Zarzur was born on August 2, 1957 and holds a degree in Civil Engineering from Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado – FAAP.

Samir Zakkhour El Tayar Vice-Chairman 04/27/2023 - 2025 General Assembly

Mr. Samir has been vice-chairman of the Board of Directors since March 3, 2007. Mr. Samir has a degree in Accounting and Commerce in Beirut, Lebanon, and his professional experience is based on 13 years in the textile trade as an owner director and 38 years with real estate development, being a managing partner of Eztec between 1979 and 2007. In the last 5 years, with the exception of exercising the position of member of the Company’s Board of Directors, Mr. Samir did not perform any activities in the Company or in its affiliates and subsidiaries.

Silvio Ernesto Zarzur Board member 04/27/2023 - 2025 General Assembly

Since 05/12/2020, he has held the positions of Vice-President Director, Incorporation Director and New Business Director. Mr. Silvio is also the founding partner of Companhia and held the position of Director of Eztec Técnica Engenharia e Construção Ltda. for 28 years. Mr. Silvio was born on June 7, 1959 and holds a degree in Civil Engineering from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. He was elected Effective Member of the Board of Directors on April 26, 2013.

Marcos Ernesto Zarzur Board member 04/27/2023 - 2025 General Assembly

Mr. Marcos has been the Company’s Commercial Director since March 3, 2007, Chief Executive Officer between May 7, 2015 and May 4, 2017 and Effective Member of the Board of Directors since April 26, 2019 with a mandate of two years. Mr. Marcos was born on May 7, 1965 and began his professional activities at EZ in 1986 in the Commercial area until reaching the position of Director.

Nelson de Sampaio Bastos Board member 04/27/2023 - 2025 General Assembly

Mr. Nelson has been an independent member of our board of directors since May 16, 2007. Mr. Nelson was born on November 24, 1942. He holds a degree in Mechatronic Engineering from the Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo. His experience includes working as president of Brasil Ferrovias for approximately four years, as well as president of Gevisa. He was vice president for strategy and finance of Grupo Villares until 1995. Between 2004 and the middle of 2006, he was chairman of the Executive Committee of Parmalat Brasil, S.A. Previously he was chief executive of Rezende Alimentos, a member of the board of directors of Gradiente, Livraria Siciliano, Alcoa Brasil, Telemig Telenorte Celular and Varig. Currently Mr. Nelson is a member of the board of directors of Santal and Agrenco. Also, Mr. Bastos is member of the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (Instituto Brasileiro de Governança Corporativa), or IBGC.

Anis Chacur Neto Board member 04/27/2023 - 2025 General Assembly

Graduate in Business Administration at Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado in 1983, Anis served as CEO of Banco ABC Brazil from 2010 until 2020, leaving the role in 2021 to join the Bank’s Board of Directors as Vice-Chairman. His career has developed in financial institutions since 1983, having accumulated over 30 years of experience. He joined Banco ABC Brasil in 1991 as a member of ABC Brasil executive committee. Throughout the years was responsible for various business units, such as Corporate, Financial Institutions, Debt Capital Markets, Credit Analysis and Risk. He has a role in the local bank market, being President of ABBI, Brazilian International Bank Association, Executive Director of Febraban and Board Member of Febraban, the Brazilian Federation of Banks.

Juliana Salvador Ferreira de Mello Board member 04/27/2023 - 2025 General Assembly

She holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. She has worked professionally for over 25 years, the last 15 years as the main business executive in the areas of Education and Strategic Consulting for People and Business Development, with responsibility for expansion projects, turnaround, leadership in Change Management processes. She was a Senior Partner at BTA – Betania Tanure Associados and was responsible for major organizational development and transformation projects with a focus on increasing performance and commercial actions.

She is Director of People and Culture at Grupo Aterpa, focusing on retaining and developing strategic talent and teams, managing people and HR subsystems, strengthening and managing Organizational Culture and ESG. She is a member of the Compliance Committee of the Aterpa Group and Consolare.

Executive Officers

Eztec’s Executive Officers are its legal representatives, mainly responsible for the day-to-day management of the Company and for the implementation of the general policies and guidelines established by the Board of Directors. Up to one third of the members of Eztec’s Board of Directors may be elected to the position of Officers.

The Company’s Bylaws provide that the Board of Executive Officers will be composed of at least five and at most ten directors. The Officers are elected by the Board of Directors for a term of office of two years, and may be re-elected and removed at any time.

05/05/2023 - 2025 Shareholders' Meeting

Silvio Ernesto Zarzur
Chief Executive Officer

Re-elected by the AGM on April 27, 2023 as a member of the Board of Directors, with the first term starting on April 26, 2013. Mr. Silvio is a founding partner of Eztec and is currently an effective member of the Board of Directors and Director President of the Company, in addition to having held the positions of Commercial and Incorporation Director in the past. Mr. Silvio was born on June 7, 1959 and has a degree in Civil Engineering from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.

05/05/2023 - 2025 Shareholders' Meeting

Flávio Ernesto Zarzur
Vice President Director

Mr. Flávio is the founding partner of Eztec Group and held the position of Executive Officer of Eztec Técnica Engenharia e Construção Ltda. for 28 years. Mr. Flávio, born on August 2, 1957, is graduated in Civil Engineering by Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado – FAAP. On April 26, 2013, Mr. Flávio was elected a member of the Board of Directors of Eztec. Mr. Flávio currently holds a position on the board of directors of ABRAINC – Brazilian Association of Real Estate Developers. He’s also the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer at EZ INC.

05/05/2023 - 2025 Shareholders' Meeting

Marcelo Ernesto Zarzur
Vice-President Director and Commercial Director

Mr. Marcelo is the Company’s Commercial Director and Vice-President Director, in addition to having held the positions of Technical Director and Real Estate Operations of the Company in the past. Mr. Marcelo was born on December 25, 1963 and began his professional activities at Eztec in 1989, working in the Engineering area until reaching the position of Director. Mr. Marcelo graduated in Civil Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering São Paulo.

05/05/2023 - 2025 Shareholders' Meeting

Mauro Alberto
Chief Administrative Officer

Mr. Alberto has been our chief administrative officer since March 3, 2007. Mr. Alberto was born on June 1, 1955, and joined Eztec Engenharia in 1986, working in the administrative and financial area before reaching the position of executive officer of that company. He holds a degree in mechanical engineering from Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado – FAAP from which he graduated in 1980.

05/05/2023 - 2025 Shareholders' Meeting

Roberto Mounir Maalouli
Legal Officer

Mr. Roberto Mounir Maalouli is the Chief Legal Officer since May 6th, 2013. Born on October 17th, 1982, Mr. Maalouli graduated as a lawyer at the Metropolitanas Unidas University in 2005 and concluded his post-grad in business law at the FGV/SP university in 2009. Mr. Maalouli joined Eztec in 2003 and has been the Company´s Legal Manager from 2009 to 2013.

05/05/2023 - 2025 Shareholders' Meeting

Silvio Hidemi Iamamura
Director of Real Estate Operations and New Business & Incorporation Director

Mr. Silvio Hidemi Iamamura began his activities at Eztec on June 27, 2007 as Superintendent of Incorporation and is currently the Company’s Director of Real Estate Operations, New Business and Incorporation. In the past, he worked at Quota Empreendimentos Imobiliários, a company not belonging to the Eztec economic group, for 9 years. Born on July 9, 1968, Mr. Silvio graduated in Architecture from the University of Guarulhos.

05/05/2023 - 2025 Shareholders' Meeting

Antônio Emílio Clemente Fugazza
Chief Financial Officer and IR Officer

Mr. Fugazza has been Eztec’s CFO and Investor Relations Officer since May 9, 2008, having joined the Company in December 2007 as Planning Officer, a post he retained until June 2008. Previously, Mr. Fugazza was a founding partner of Grupo Anlisy’s Consultoria e Planejamento, which specializes in civil engineering, serving as the group’s CEO. He was born on June 13, 1974, in São Paulo and holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering with a specialization in building systems. He also was a professor at São Carlos Federal University.

08/16/2023 - 2025 Shareholders' Meeting

Technical Director

Mr. Silvio Gava has been the Company’s Technical Director since August 2023. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (1994), a degree in Data Processing from Instituto Tecnológico de Osasco (ITO), a post-graduate degree in Business Management from FIA-USP, an MBA in Real Estate Business from FAAP and a post-graduate degree in Business and Enterprise Management from USP. With more than 30 years’ experience in the construction sector, he has worked as Statutory Executive Director (Even), Vice President of Operations (MRV) and in various other positions throughout his career, including 12 years at Gafisa. He has also carried out several projects in more than 150 cities and has participated in the delivery of more than 75,000 housing units, 95% of which are in the MCMV program, and has built more than 3.4 million square meters.

Fiscal Council

In accordance with Brazilian Corporation Law, the Fiscal Council is a corporate body that is independent from the management and external auditors. The Fiscal Council may function on a permanent or temporary basis, in this latter case functioning during a specific fiscal year when installed at the request of shareholders representing at least 2% of the shares with voting rights, with each period of its functioning terminating at the first Shareholders’ General Meeting held after its installation.

The main responsibilities of the Fiscal Council are to audit the activities of the management, review the company’s financial statements and report their findings to shareholders. Brazilian Corporation Law requires members of the Audit Board to receive compensation of at minimum 10% of the average annual compensation of the Company’s Executive Officers. Brazilian Corporation Law also requires the Fiscal Council to be composed of at least three and at most five members, as well as their respective alternate members.

The Bylaws of Eztec provide for a Fiscal Council installed on a temporary basis, elected exclusively at the request of the Company‘s shareholders assembled in a Shareholders‘ General Meeting. Eztec‘s Fiscal Council is currently installed.

Member Office Mandate
Paulo Chede Mattar Member of the Council 04/27/2023 - APRIL 2024

He is an effective member of our Fiscal Council elected in April 2013, Brazilian, born on August 18, 1949 and graduated in business administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas in 1972. His professional experience includes the management of real estate development companies, including Construtora Mattar & Nicolau Ltda. He is currently an executive officer at Suzano Empreendimentos and President of the Monte Líbano Club. He was a fiscal councilor of Eztec between 2009 and 2010 and between 2012 and 2014.

Alvin Gilmar Francischetti Alternate Member of the Council 04/27/2023 - APRIL 2024

Accountant with forty-three (43) years of experience in accounting for companies in the real estate development and civil construction sectors, founding partner of the accounting company Arfran Auditoria e Consultoria Ltda., with approximately one thousand and two hundred (1,200) companies/SCPs in its client portfolio, with seventy-three (63) employees/collaborators, four (4) PJ Partners and nine (9) Associates.

Flavio Pedro de Moraes Nazarian Member of the Council 04/27/2023 - APRIL 2024

Mr. Nazarian was born on October 29, 1936 and graduated in Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie in 1962. In his professional experience, there are more than 20 years as a merchant connected to the textile sector. Currently, Mr. Nazarian is a member of the Advisory Board of the Union of Shopkeepers of São Paulo. In the last five years, except for his position as a member of the Company’s Board of Directors, Mr. Flavio has not performed any activities for the Company or its affiliates and subsidiaries.

Rógerio Antônio Eduardo Abinader Member of the Council 04/27/2023 - APRIL 2024

Mr. Rogério Antônio Eduardo Abinader is a civil engineer who graduated from Escola Politécnica in 1972. He worked at Bradesco Seguros from 1972 to 1990, his last position being claims superintendent. Since 1990, he is partner and director of RA Poliseg Corretora de Seguros Ltda (insurance sector). In the last 5 years, except for his position as a member of the Company’s Board of Directors, Mr. Rogério has not performed any activities in the Company or its affiliates and subsidiaries.

Luciana Doria Wilson Member of the Council 04/27/2023 - APRIL 2024

Ms. Doria holds a bachelor’s degree in Economic Sciences from Pontifical Catholic University (FEA-PUC) in the year 2002, with a master’s degree in finance from Business School (BSP) and executive education in Leadership and Corporate Innovation at Stanford Graduate School of Business (Stanford LEAD GSB) 2017-2018. Currently, and since 2016, she is a partner at MANAGROW, a finance strategy consultancy. Prior to that, she served as Chief Executive Officer of Saraiva (from 2013 to 2016). Doria has extensive experience in leading Private Equity transactions, M&A, due diligence processes, pre-IPO, IPOs (NYSE and BOVESPA), pre- and post-merger integration, debt issuance, restructuring projects corporate governance and risk assessment. Before joining the Company, Doria was Head of Capital Markets at Gafisa (invested by GP Investments), and strategist at Banco Santander’s brokerage house and treasury, Real Estate analyst at Bear Stearns, JP Morgan, HSBC and Itaú Unibanco. Member DELL Women Entrepreneurs Network, Stanford Entrepreneurs and Investors, Regional Economics Council, and Stanford Women of Impact Network. Also members of the Fiscal Councils of Vivo and Mills.

Mauricio Martelli Cardoso Alternate Member of the Council 04/27/2023 - APRIL 2024

Executive with over twenty years of experience in the areas of Strategic Planning, Finance, M&A, Corporate Governance and New Business Development. He graduated in Business Administration from ESPM, holds a specialization degree in Business Administration from Haas School of Business (University of California – Berkeley / USA) and attended the STC Program (Skills, Tools and Competencies), executive education for directors and presidents, from Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC) in partnership with Kellogg School of Management (Northwestern University – Chicago / USA). He has worked in companies that are leaders in their segments. He was Financial Director of the Boxnet Group (from 2013 to 2016), a company that monitors, structures and evaluates information for corporate decision-making. He has experience in dialogue with Boards of Directors and in the application of best Corporate Governance practices. He has led M&A processes, concluding corporate transactions and operational integrations. He is co-founder and current member of the Board of Directors of SimpleSaúde, a startup in the health industry that offers consultations and exams at affordable prices, a company in which he has been active since July 2017. He has been acting as a mentor to other startups.

Composição Acionária
