Governance & Compliance

ESG Reports

Values and Principles

  • ethics and transparency
  • respect to life
  • quality and punctuality
  • respect for society and the environment
  • profitability and solidity
  • commitment


To continuously seek the satisfaction of its customers to strengthen the brand’s solid reputation in the real estate market and the return to its shareholders


To be recognized as the best company in the real estate market with a focus on quality, punctuality and profitability


Build quality of life meeting the expectations of customers and employees through continuous improvement of processes and sustainable development.


Eztec develops programs and actions that seek continuous improvement of sustainability on its construction sites and in the surrounding communities. We are committed to the continuous improvement of our final product, always more sustainable and social, in accordance with current legislation.


Eztec’s health and safety procedures are established by more than 30 people. The dissemination of information, qualifications and training are also important. When integrated into the Company, all employees are defined as safety rules, periodically reinforced Safety Dialogues (D). It also learns about the risks of its activities, duly selected by the safety technicians at the construction sites.

Specifically in relation to operations, the Company maps the risk factors in the different phases of the construction process, in order to avoid accidents and occupational diseases.

Medical services are the responsibility of the Human Resources area, together with Occupational Safety, covering information, examinations and guidance documents. Eztec maintains health promotion programs that include programs and leaflets with guidelines on the prevention and treatment of chemical dependence and sexually transmitted diseases.




In 2021, Eztec carried out more than 778 hours of training for 247 employees in total, considering the hierarchical levels starting with management. The pandemic limited opportunities for face-to-face training, so most were held online.


The civil construction sector is predominantly male, especially considering the workforce at the construction sites. However, Eztec’s administrative profile presents a differential, with a strong female presence, which reaches 45% of the contingent in the offices. Another highlight is the appreciation of women in leadership, with an increasing number in management positions. Currently, 34 of them occupy positions of Supervision, Coordination, Management and Superintendence.


To ensure water savings in operations, Eztec has a target for consumption of potable water (accumulated) per square meter built, as well as implements and maintains several actions to reduce consumption at construction sites, such as:

• Wheel wash with water reuse system;
• System for capturing and using rainwater;
• Reuse of water from the hand wash basin in the urinal;
• Water reuse in irrigation system;
• Signs to raise awareness of the rational use of water at construction sites and in the office;
• Development and construction of an enterprise with devices to reduce water consumption.


Eztec consumed 11,378.51 gigajoules (GJ) of energy in 2021. Measuring and monitoring energy consumption, also included in the indicators of the Company’s Quality Management System, are essential to reduce impacts on the environment and costs of operation. The main initiatives related to reducing the developer’s energy consumption are based on:

• Preventive maintenance of equipment and attention to specifications related to the need to replace parts and/or components, always aiming at the best performance and efficiency;

• Acquisition and use of critical equipment – cranes, mini-guides and racks, among others – that present greater energy efficiency, such as, for example, with the ENCE label or the PROCEL and CONPET seals;

• Use, whenever possible, of timers (photocells) with activation only when necessary;

• Signage to raise awareness of the rational use of energy at construction sites and offices;

• Study on environmental certifications that include energy efficiency, such as LEED, AQUA and Procel Edificações.


Eztec has started a cultural mapping that should last up to three years, in order to improve people management at all levels.

The real estate developer values teamwork and interaction between areas, promotes training and career development programs for technical and administrative teams, to train and retain talent, also reinforcing engagement.

In 2021, the Company created 561 jobs. Employees have the following benefits: health and gym plan with co-payment and membership, dental plan, life insurance offered in accordance with collective agreement, food/meal vouchers and payment of fuel according to eligibility. Profit sharing (PLR) is determined by the agreement signed annually.

In 2021, Eztec carried out more than 778 hours of training for 247 employees in total, considering the hierarchical levels starting with management.


Eztec’s deep expertise in rehabilitating areas for declared use is recognized by the market. The Company carefully follows the legislation applicable to contaminated areas, having as main guide the Board Decision No. 038/2017/CETESB, which provides for the approval of the “Procedure for the Protection of Soil and Groundwater Quality”, the revision of the “Procedure for the Management of Contaminated Areas” and establishes the “Guidelines for the Management of Contaminated Areas in the Scope of Environmental Licensing”, pursuant to State Law No. 13,577/2009 and its regulation, approved by means of Decree No. 59,263/2013.

The risk assessment guides the Intervention Plan, in which the necessary measures are defined for the safe use of the area of ​​interest, according to the future occupation. The entire process is evaluated by the Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo (CETESB), which issues a favorable opinion on the proposed plan, allowing the project to be licensed by the competent municipal body and the start of the implementation of intervention measures.


Eztec performs the complete management of materials and waste, comprising the stages of generation, segregation, packaging, identification, collection, transport, storage, treatment and final destination, prioritizing recycling.

In 2021, the Company generated 21,988 tons of waste. The largest volumes were of rubble (16,701 tons), wood (1,732 tons) and gypsum (1,438 tons). These and other residues were sent to recyclers or sorting and transshipment areas for proper processing.


Eztec counts greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions based on the main methodologies used in corporate inventories (GHG Protocol, ISO 14064, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and World Resources Institute/World Business Council for Sustainable Development), meeting the growing demand of construction. The initiative is motivated by increasingly solid ESG policies in the sector and has guided investors, developers and builders in the establishment of carbon footprint reduction goals.


Water collection is carried out through the public network and, when necessary, by water trucks for the works. Disposal takes place through the public sewer system. The drainage of surface water from the soil is carried out in accordance with best practices, mitigating possible impacts.


Motivated by increasingly solid ESG policies in the sector, it has guided investors, developers and construction companies in the establishment of carbon footprint reduction goals, even with the complexity of using these indicators in engineering and construction.

As a first result, the Company recorded a reduction in gross emissions, from 226.97 tCO2e in 2020 to 196.25 tCO2e in 2021.



Risk management is monitored by the Legal Department and opportunities for changes in the core business are examined by senior management and shared by departments and by influence of each issue.

Bylaws, policies and internal regulations


Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) Committee

The Committee’s objectives are: (i) to support the Board of Directors in making decisions regarding the search for and adoption of the best corporate governance practices; (ii) support management for the establishment of a culture and implementation of means that enable the realization of sustainability as a fundamental value for the Company and its shareholders; (iii) the integration of economic, environmental, social and governance aspects into the strategy and business model, business decisions, products, services, commercial and competition relations, innovation and technological development processes, processes of innovation and technological development Company; and (iv) contribute to the Company’s strategy contributing to the mitigation of the social, environmental and climatic risks of its activities.

Click here to access the internal regulation

Member Office
Flávio Ernesto Zarzur Committee Member
Silvio Hidemi Iamamura Committee Member
Anis Chacur Neto Committee Member
Silvio Luiz Gava Committee Member
Ethics and Conduct Committee

It is the competence of the Committee, when required to: (i) Ensure compliance with the Code of Ethics and Conduct and clarify doubts as to its content; (ii) With the Compliance Coordinator, to carry out the verification and treatment of communications made to the Ethics Channel; (iii) Consolidate the assessment of Eztec’s integrity risks, through the preparation of periodic reports and report them to the Executive Officers and, in case of impediment by the Executive Officers, to the Board of Directors; (iv) Analyze and resolve on misconduct and conflicts of an ethical nature in relation to the guidelines established in the Code of Ethics and Conduct, defining the appropriate disciplinary measures; (v) Periodically analyze the integrity risks associated with Eztec; (vi) Periodically monitor the integrity program; (vii) Suggest adaptations to the integrity program and outline action plans for its fulfillment; (viii) Decide on omissions or doubts about the interpretation of the Code of Ethical Conduct; (ix) Recommend the appropriate measures in the event of a violation of the Code of Ethics and Conduct; (x) Treat all matters addressed to its knowledge within the strictest secrecy and preserving the interests of the image and reputation of those involved; and (xi) Ensure and review, whenever necessary, the ethical principles contained in the Code of Ethics and Conduct, forwarding eventual additions and/or changes for approval by Eztec’s Board of Directors.

Click here to access the internal regulation

Member Office
Cristiane Calegari Rodrigues President of the Committee
Roberval Daiton Vieira Junior Vice President of the Committee
Vanessa Silva Borin Committee Member
Audit Committee

It is the competence of the Committee, among other matters: (i) to give an opinion on the hiring and dismissal of independent audit services; (ii) oversee the activities of the independent audit and monitor its effectiveness and independence; (iii) discuss the external auditor’s annual work plan and forward it to the Board of Directors for consideration; (iv) evaluate, monitor and express an opinion on the quality and integrity of the quarterly information, interim statements and financial statements; (v) monitor the activities of the Company’s internal audit and internal controls area (Compliance department); (vi) assist in the activities of the preparation of the Company’s financial statements; (vii) evaluate and monitor the Company’s risk exposures, promoting their management, in accordance with the Company’s Risk Management Policy; (viii) evaluate, monitor and recommend to management the correction or improvement of the Company’s internal policies, including the Related Party Transactions Policy; and (ix) receive and process information about non-compliance with legal and regulatory provisions applicable to the Company, in addition to internal regulations and codes, including establishing specific procedures for the protection of the provider and the confidentiality of information, in compliance with the provisions of item 4.3 of the Internal Regulations.

Click here to access the internal regulation

Member Office
Nelson de Sampaio Bastos Committee Member
Anis Chacur Neto Committee Member
Antonio Carlos dos Santos Arantes Committee Member

certifications and recognitions

PBQP-H has developed the SiAC (Sistema de Avaliação da Conformidade de Empresas de Serviços e Obras da Construção Civil) a quality management certification system aimed exclusively at real estate companies, with Eztec’s management system certification being Level A, the most comprehensive of the existing levels. There are 79 requirements that need to be implemented, maintained, evidenced and evaluated by an independent certification body.






Fulfilled the requirements for the Platinum level of Certification established by the U.S. Green Building Council in the Leed Green Building Rating System for EZ TOWERS A and B.











Fulfilled the requirements for the Gold level of Certification established by the U.S. Green Building Council in the Leed Green Building Rating System for EZ TOWERS A and B.






NBR ISO 9001 (International Organization for Standardization) is an internationally recognized Standard that establishes requirements for the Quality Management System and aims to standardize and improve an organization’s processes, satisfying its own requirements and those of its customers and regulators. The Company has a certified management system since 2011 for Eztec and 2018 for TEC VENDAS.


Eztec obtained the NDT 1 classification, the highest classification in terms of meeting the CAIXA TECHNICAL PERFORMANCE LEVEL criteria. The NDT is a certification from Caixa Econômica Federal that offers benefits to real estate companies that reach advanced levels of technical performance and expertise. To obtain it, companies are evaluated on issues such as projects, structures, certifications, execution, post-delivery, brands.

Shareholders and other meetings